Following Target Groups with profiling rules are defined in the system.

Interessed-based Target Groups
  • Luxury-Cars-Fan
    • Visit at least 5 pages in luxury car area
  • Economy-Cars-Fan
    • Visit at least 5 pages in economy car area
  • Sports-Cars-Fan
    • Visit at least 5 pages in sports car area
Sales based Target Groups
  • New Customer
    • Place one order
  • Regular Customer
    • Place more that one and less than 5 orders
  • VIP Customer
    • Place more than 5 orders

For loggin-in customers following segments will be calculated (if profiling is allowed for customer).

Based on customer data
  • Gender: female, male, not-set
  • State: based on ZIP defined in customer data
Based on customer behavior
  • Interests: based on manufacturer, body-style and car-class of ordered products
  • VisitingCount: based on visits of user


Following marketing automation is configured.

Sample marketing automation rule for sending mail 1 day after order is placed.

Following personalization is configured.

Manual Personalization
  • Portal page hero slider personalized for target groups
    • Luxury-Cars-Fan
    • Economy-Cars-Fan
    • Sports-Cars-Fan
Automatic Personalization
  • Visit pages to collect segements to your visitor info
  • Portal page product teaser row automatically personalized based on tracked interests
    • manufacturer
    • car class